Solutions with no-Code Software
Great flexibility and low cost open up useful application in almost all areas
Increase your efficiency, gain time and save money at the same time
- we develop your apps/digital forms for you
- we support you during development
- we train development & application
- we sell no-code apps + digital forms
- we consult & sell no-code software
- After familiarization or training, the software can be adapted or extended by yourself.
- Creating an application software (app) using no-code software is faster and less expensive.

to the point
If you don't have your own IT department, you've come to the right place.
Our specific suggestion on how you can make your organization more efficient and secure with "own apps", AI assistance and encrypted communication.
Check your attitude, it takes
"real willingness"
to step away from your current routine.
More information here
Opt for cloud solutions if you do not have your own well-qualified staff for your software and hardware, who you also have regularly trained.
use your own Apps
Decide to optimize your processes with "own apps" (application software).
Avoid the clutter of large and expensive software packages when you only need 30% of them.
with Coda.io
For many areas of application, "Coda.io" is the no-code software with the best price/performance ratio and the greatest flexibility.
Switching from previously used text or table applications to Coda.io is easy.
Cloud-storage for files
Use "Tresorit.com" or "Proton.me" as a cloud storage service to manage the files you want to use on your PC.
Your files are protected and can also be accessed from any PC.
Swiss data-security on highest level
Encrypted e-mail
Use protected e-mail communication from "Proton.me".
Shift parts of your communication to your own apps (powered by Coda.io) to minimize the email-flood.
Your communication is encrypted, nobody analyzes it without your knowledge.
Swiss privacy on highest level
Coda.io per year
The number of apps is not limited, additional users at no extra cost, AI assistance incl
Tresorit.com - per year
1 TB storage space, full integration with your file system
Proton.me - per year
5 GB storage, 150 e-mails per day, incl. password safe (pass)
Spaceship.com Web-Domain - per year
Full control over your domain, therefore better than booking with the web builder
Webnode.com website-builder - per year
Extensive functions, easy to edit yourself
Example: no-code software Coda.io
Coda.io is one of the most powerful no-code platforms to improve the organization of processes and workflows and to optimize collaboration. The functional scope is very large and cannot be easily summarized in a short text.
Here some points:
- Text elements like in Word, tables and diagrams like in Excel, photos or videos and much more can be placed together on a " canvas ".
- Data which are in tables can be changed with one click from the table form into another appearance, e.g. calendar/gant/canban/diagram. If you change data in one of the views, the other views will be updated immediately.
- Data from Excel/Libre Office tables can be easily copy/pasted, also vice versa is possible
- Calculations can be made within tables and between tables
- With "buttons" actions can be triggered on click, as well as by changing the data - e.g. new data entry - triggers the sending of an email
- Several people can work on one document/table
- Application used on desktop can also be used on mobile devices. Data is synchronized between PC and mobile device

The term "no-code" means that when creating an application software (=App) with no-code technology, no program code has to be written by a highly qualified coder.
- No-code software is used to create a no-code app. This provides all the necessary components of an app. For example, a database as a storage location, a graphical user interface and the required functionality.
- The design is carried out in the form of various building blocks which are assembled into an app within the no-code software.
- Functional elements such as buttons, sliders, checkboxes, etc. as well as powerful formula assistants allow even more complex applications to be created
Thus, no-code software takes the place of the programmer. It is much easier and takes less time to create an app with a desired functionality in no-code than is possible with individually written program code.
Also safer, says Wikipedia

The term no-code platform describes a development environment for software that enables developers and other professionals to create application software using graphical user interfaces and configuration instead of traditional programming.
No-code platforms are used to meet the needs of companies and to digitize processes.
A common assumption is that no-code platforms are more vulnerable to security threats. In reality, handwritten code is often a greater security risk than platform code that has been validated through its consistent use across multiple applications.
no-code software is available for many areas
To improve the clarity we have formed categories